PRONTO TITLES is an “Investor Friendly Agency” and as such we focus on providing a transparent, fast and reliable service.
We work with all kinds of investors, domestic and foreign.

    • Wholesalers
    • Fix and Flip
    • Buy-to-rent investors.
    • Private and hard money lenders.

Our smooth-style closing, escrow and settlement services, take the stress of all parties in the transaction in relation to take title searches, lien mitigation services, and title insurance to provide our investor clients with the clarity and confidence they need to move forward with their investment.

These are some of the services we provide for Investors working with PRONTO:

  • Handling assignment closings and double closings
  • Escrow Deposits. Your funds are held in a high security escrow account at First American Bank, a division of First American Title Insurance, the largest Title Insurance Company in USA
  • 1031 Exchanges
  • Title search and examination.
  • Municipal lien searches and examination, including clearing and/or mitigation.
  • Homeowners Associations (HOA) payoffs an estoppels
  • Mortgages, liens and taxes payoffs
  • Survey order and review
  • Production of closing and conveyance documents
  • Disbursement of all funds after closing
  • Deed and mortgage electronic recording in the official records
  • Title insurance issued by the largest title insurance company in USA.
  • Foreign National Representation (including FIRPTA processing)